Welcome to The I0 Experience.
My name is Ti0 Rohan.
I direct the experiences in this field of magic and greatness with deep love and care.
My mentorship is rooted in extensive training and experience, deep embodiment, laser-sharp intuition, and guidance channeled from your soul.
Before we get to me, let me tell you a bit about I0.
So What is I0?
An experience.
A living field of magic and greatness.
A space for infinite evolution and expansion.
I0 stands for Infinite Zero. This represents the forces and phenomena that your mind perceives as contradictions, polarities, and dualities. And at I0 we harness the full power of these dual forces in their totality through harmonious union.
This is what it looks like: Being a human with a healthy ego and real limits AND being a divine soul that is abundant and truly limitless, infinite.
Having both masculine and feminine energy within you.
Enjoying the mundane as much as the magical journey of excellence and greatness.
Being loving and powerful.
We live and create in the AND. Not excluding any part of you, not compromising on any of your needs and desires, honoring everything you are and meant to be.
This is about owning the totality of yourself, all that makes you you. Becoming your own greatest ally, which makes life, the universe, and everything into your greatest allies, making your experience of life, the universe, and everything, truly and totally magical.
From this state of wholeness, we bring the power of all your magic to fulfill your greatest purpose, and fulfill the deepest needs and desires of your soul and ego.
And I, Ti0, am a living embodiment of I0, expanding in sync, as one, with this living field…
With extensive training and experience for over a decade on my own journey, while leading 1000+ souls on their expansion journeys, I have reached a level of mastery that enables me to guide you powerfully in expanding your magic.
Yet, I started in a much more challenging position than most who will join this space. I say this to show you that being in your full power and magic is absolutely available to anyone and everyone who is committed to do whatever it takes.
You can read the highlights about me and my journey below. And when you are ready, jump in and join us!
It’s my absolute delight to share my gifts and watch magical beings like you come alive in your full glory.
Ti0 is a spiritual master, mentor, and channel for the divine greatness in every human.
Born and raised in India as Rohan, he spent 24 years as a skeptic rejecting religion and spirituality. This changed when he had a direct experience of the sacred with Ayahuasca in the Atlantic rainforest of Brazil.
This pivotal experience in 2014 marked the beginning of his journey as a mentor and spiritual master facilitating direct experiences that transcend the mental limits, including the need to believe.
Leaving behind a successful career as a software developer at Amazon.com in Seattle, Rohan moved to Brazil and began his 8-year long apprenticeship as an ayahuasca retreat leader with a shamanic psychotherapist, co-developing the world’s highest-rated ayahuasca retreat center over this time.
During this period, he worked intimately with over 1000 individuals, mastering diverse disciplines including psychology, psychotherapy, group facilitation, energy healing, and deeply studying various spiritual traditions and philosophical systems. This comprehensive training now informs his expertise as a mentor and guide.
Following the apprenticeship, Ti0 was initiated as a spiritual master in August 2023, awakening his most profound gifts. His mission is to awaken the generative soul within each person and usher in more life, beauty, and magic into the world.
The transition from Rohan to Ti0 took place in January 2019, marking a shift from the personality and life defined by the world to becoming a self-defined creator of a magical life. It took over 5 years after the transition to anchor into this new identity and truly leave behind the old programming.
Through writing, speaking, mentoring, and personalized activations, Ti0 empowers people to embrace their humanity and divinity. He guides them in harmonizing dualities—soul and ego, masculine and feminine, light and dark—so they can live fully, honoring both the material and the spiritual as equally sacred.
Having deeply impacted hundreds of souls in the first decade of his journey, Ti0 is constantly expanding his presence to awaken more greatness and life in the world.
Brazil has been his primary home since 2015, with Los Angeles becoming his second home in late 2024. He now shares his magic in both locations throughout the year.
The ceiling disappears.
And so does the floor…
Leap to levels only the rarest of rare ever dare to dream of.
A set of 3 private mentorship sessions where I will channel your soul’s code for the next level of expansion and guide you to embody it.
We will co-create a container tailored to your specific vision which can include online mentorship sessions, in-person experiences, and expansion immersions.
Starts @ $25K / Quarter
The $5 Million Mentorship.
This has been created for a specific individual.
You know it is You.
Let’s get started.
This is the pinnacle, the ultimate portal…
The Expansion Immersion is where you with live with Ti0, either in a private immersion or with an intimate group of up to 4 people.
Where you watch day and night blend into a new reality in some of the most exotic locations in the world.
The compound effect at its highest, where we build upon breakthroughs day in and day out. The outcomes of these immersions are beyond surreal.
Starts @ $25K
This book explores different archetypes and roles that women play in the world.
Understand the energetics of each role for deeper acceptance and for transformation into whichever role is most aligned with your soul.
A deeply transformational journey through content that is channeled from The Goddess Frequency — where The Divine Feminine is in perfect union and harmony with The Sacred Masculine.
You get lifetime access to the entire channeled ebook and all chapters channeled in the future as this work expands.
If you are here, you don’t just believe in magic, you have experienced it at some point in your life.
The divine finger has tickled you
No matter how many times we witness miracles, our logical mind has a tendency to doubt and dismiss its way back to skepticism and needing proof. This book is just a reminder that the divine is talking to us. All we have to do is listen.
This book highlights the importance of surrendering desires from the old paradigm that keep us in self-sabotaging loops and aligning with the new paradigm which opens us up to the miraculous.
It is a portal to divine frequencies that will get activated as you move through each story, elevating you to the state of Superconsciousness as you finish.
A powerful masterclass packed with deeply transformational insights and tools to create the life you want.
Light up your Soul by sharing the power, beauty, magic, joy, and love that is your true essence. Soar into a state of abundance and creative flow and learn to keep it going all day everyday.
Guiding you to awaken the unified power of the divine feminine and sacred masculine to fully embody The Goddess within.
Includes lifetime access to 27+ powerful channeled audio trainings and all bonus modules added in the future.
A deep transformational course with practical tools to activate your power, transform your life & empower others.
Includes lifetime access to 20+ Trainings to understand the nuances of victimhood, how to identify and break out of fear, shame, and guilt consciousness to use your power and create the life you want.
Get a 10% discount with the DIY All Access Pass which includes access to all Courses, Masterclasses, & Ebooks.
Also includes access to new DIY content published within 3 months of your purchase. What’s Included Today? 5 Deeply Transformational ExperiencesEnter your details below to receive an invite to our online community and gain access to exclusive articles & podcasts, and.. join The Celebration Zone!
Also receive updates about new content, masterclasses, & expansion experiences.
From Good to Great to Excellent to Exceptional — and Beyond...
Linear to Exponential to Quantum
Avoid traps along the spiritual path and heal the addiction to suffering
Enter The Superconscious
Ti0’s superconscious coaching is next level.
Tio has a fantastic way of pulling out the question and kind of thinking and feeling a leader needs to be in to reach their next level.
He offers an incredible balance of queen, king and spiritual energy and embodiment and I love being in it. Extremely grateful for the experience and insight Ti0. ❤️
Ti0 is extraordinarily gifted and loving, the depth of his mentorship surpasses anything I’ve experienced.
I don’t just feel transformed, I feel reborn, as if I’ve undergone a complete upgrade at a cellular level. Many of my biggest breakthroughs happened simply by being in his presence, where lifelong patterns I couldn’t change on my own finally dissolved.
The Incubator provided such a unique opportunity, having my everyday habits lovingly observed (without the option to mask) and receive immediate, powerful feedback was a profound experience that led me to quantum leaps in my life.
Working with Ti0 is like stepping onto a rocketship to your highest timeline, the speed and magnitude of the shifts are astonishing, I never knew transformation could be this fast.
Ti0 is a true magician when it comes to cultivating clarity, he helped me understand my unique gifts and no matter what challenges I brought, he would guide me to alchemize them into a clear path forward. Nothing felt insurmountable.
Three months after returning from The Incubator, the shifts continue to snowball. I’ve healed my relationship with food, and for the first time, I genuinely enjoy my body.
To say my confidence has soared is an understatement, I’ve started sharing my creations with pride and it feels as though the volume has been turned up on my presence, drawing people in. I no longer want to hide, I actively enjoy shining.
I’ve reached new depths of gratitude, compassion and radiance. I am finally taking inspired actions toward my dreams and I’m devoted to doing whatever it takes to actualise my full potential. After a lifetime of feeling lost and purposeless, I feel at peace with who I am and what I am here to do.
But it’s the intangibles that really make me feel like I’m finally living. I’ve shifted from the most predictable, risk-averse member of my family to feeling at home in the unknown, buying a one-way ticket to Europe because it felt aligned.
My dad just told me “If you can change this much, anything is possible.” Even my Dad and other family members have become fans of Ti0 because of the transformation I have gone through over the past 4 years.
I am no longer paralysed by the fear of taking risks or failure because I have unwavering trust in myself and in life. I’ve moved from being a chronic procrastinator to living in a state of flow. It's an indescribable joy it to wake up each day excited to create (and actually do it!).
Thank you Ti0, for everything you’ve contributed to my being, working with you has brought so much magic to my life.
Words can’t capture the value of your mentorship, you are truly exceptional.
Personal development is my hobby. I've learned and practiced many techniques and used number of tools before working with Ti0. I found his approach the most practical and working with the group is the most life-changing journey I've ever been on.
I underestimated the power and benefits of the group participation. It truly helped me to shift into more authentic self - something I've tried but could not succeed on my own.
I am amazed at how skillfully Ti0 leads the group and the powerful mind-blowing questions he poses. It's been a blessing becoming part of the group, and being led by a facilitator who is real, knowledgeable, supportive, and encouraging.
Ti0 offers a practical, no-nonsense approach to personal development and philosophy through an array of topics not typically focused on in groupwork.
I’ve done a lot of courses, retreats, workshops, did coaching, did traditional therapy, did hypnotherapy, taken a fair cocktail of medications, read countless books, listened to countless podcasts and more for over a decade, and can say with confidence this is very different material, and different in how the material is engaged with.
Ti0 offers a truly unique perspective on psycho-spiritual development, one that is grounded in practical philosophy and hard-won insights of his own. It is immediately apparent that Ti0 is an astonishingly wise and perspicacious teacher.
He is exquisitely sensitive, able to detect the subtlest nuances of psychological dynamics and zero in where people are stuck. I continually marvel at Ti0's ability to cut through to the core issues with surgical precision. This might've be intimidating if not so well balanced with genuine humility and compassion.
Ti0 is a profound teacher and disarmingly relatable, never posturing as the all-knowing guru. And he's pretty funny.
Ti0 is a genuine, intuitive-healing spirit that is open and non judgmental; this is vital in establishing trust and a sense of belonging.
Our path crossed at a time when I most needed it and I received support and tools to work through some serious sadness and a sense of loss that had me trapped for years… It was and still is a process, but I am in a much better place.
The sessions are not “magic”, they require work, commitment and honesty with yourself to benefit and you also learn from others in the group as they process. I am very, very grateful to have met Ti0 and to have had the privilege to work with him.
I think you are an excellent communicator of concepts around a practical spirituality and creating and maintaining conscious awareness!
Far too many times the mentors I've found are too cryptic or perhaps secretive and doesn't resonate with me, and I find it hard to internalize the teachings.
You are incredibly well-rounded in your communication and background in psychology and spirituality that it almost always resonates well with me.
Not only at an intellectual level, but I can also integrate your wisdom into actual practice of building my conscious awareness and maintaining balance in my life.