Luckiest Soul
In The World

Right Place. Right Time. Every Time. All The Time.

A Signature I0 Program

On Your Soul

Set the stage for a life where you will SUCCEED AT EVERYTHING YOU SET OUT TO CREATE.
What ALL would you do in life if you were guaranteed success?

This program is the most advanced mastermind and private mentorship available at I0.

It is particularly designed for souls who have achieved fulfilling success, yet have held themselves back from the biggest stages and the highest levels of their life.

Everything you’ve done so far has prepared you to leap to this level—a life that unfolds like a perfect symphony, each note falling into place with divine grace.

Where Grace, Faith, &  Power Cross Paths

Transcend the laws of accident, luck, and fate.

Master the power of intention, trust, and faith and invoke the most powerful force in the universe — Grace.

From this point on, all stop signs are pulled out and life takes off at a speed that is unfathomable.

This is for the rare few who are truly ready to experience life at this level.

The level at which you unlock the ultimate privilege a human can experience — to be fully you. For every cell to be imbued and every surface to be coated with your divine essence.

Push Your Luck To Levels Unimagined

What happens when you know that that literally everything is going to work out? The ceiling is lifted and you meet infinity.

And it is one of the most intimidating encounters of your life. This is precisely what this program is here to support you with.

This is when you start to define your own limits and your own reality. And you have the power to stretch those limits at will.

No permission slip required.

Pushing your luck stops being something to test, challenge, or defy some external authority. This is the level at which you meet your true and highest inner authority — Your Godself.

Remaining grounded and human when in contact with the Godself is the challenge we are confronting together at this level. This is where you are holding the duality of being fully human and fully divine simultaneously.

This is where you are called to truly honor yourself in your human wholeness and divine greatness.

I'm Ready To Be
The Luckiest Me

Private Mentorship starting @ $500K

You Either Know
Or You Don't

This page is a portal for you to feel, sense, and know that you are meant to be here. Even finding this page, you already feel lucky! You know it is precisely what you have been seeking and now it has found you.

If you don’t have that clear knowing, it’s a No.

This program is designed very intentionally for particular individuals who are ready to activate this level of power and luck. It is designed to speak straight to your Soul.

If anything feels out of alignment, it’s a No.

On the other hand, if everything feels like a “Heaven, YES!!”

If you have questions about the program, send a private message to Ti0.

If you are excited but not ready for the full activation, you can explore other mastermind and private mentorship options that will prepare you for this program. You can either book a call with Ti0 or explore other offers.