The I0 Academy

Master Your Magic
Radiate Your Genius
Shift The World
Enjoy Your Life

Explore the experience, philosophy, what you get in the academy, what you can expect and what is expected of you, and when you are ready — join us!

The I0 Experience

A space to flourish in all domains of your inner and outer world through self & spiritual mastery trainings

In The I0 Experience, we don’t just focus on one aspect of life,  we work on all of it!

Enjoying life, being charismatic, having calm authority, the xillionaire mindset, developing maturity, commanding respect, amplifying your self-worth and personal power, being unconditionally loving & compassionate, and more…

We even work on being “a good person”, a lost ideal in the modern world. We replace being “good” with being conscientious — living in integrity and alignment with your soul, the present moment, and your highest purpose.

And that’s not all!

Our primary tenets are:

  • Master Your Magic : Be fully you and master being yourself, go on the lifelong journey of unlocking your infinite potential.
  • Radiate Your Genius : Amplify your gifts, share yourself with the world, and fully receive all the love for being yourself.
  • Shift The World: Bring all your magic and radiance to impact the world and shift the world to the paradigm of abundance, love, joy, empowerment, and harmony.
  • Enjoy Your Life : Make your journey unforgettably magical. Enjoying life while being awesome is an art, learn to master this with us.

The experience is directed by Ti0, from playing the role of facilitator to teaching to holding the frequencies that enable you to align with your highest self, I am here to ensure you get everything you need to fully activate while feeling deeply welcome to share your most authentic and powerful self.

The Academy

The I0 Academy provides regular trainings, along with a space for you to practically apply these teachings and receive support to integrate these lessons in your daily life, alongside a community of souls who resonate with The I0 Way.

This is the primary intention of The I0 Academy: Living in Higher Consciousness through Self & Spiritual Mastery to make the mundane everyday life a magical, fulfilling, inspired experience that is fueled with nonstop passion and vitality, with balanced doses of lightness, humor, and playfulness.

What You Get


Here are some words of appreciation from some lovely people who have played with us before...


This is a high energy space and to ensure that all members receive the most from this experience we have certain expectations from each member.

This does not mean you have to be perfect, this is the baseline we expect. You may dip and we are here to support you as you get up. As long as you commit to getting up each time.

Play Life Fully ON
You intend to become whole and activate ALL your power. You welcome feedback that calls you to step up to the next level in all areas of life.

Turn Your Life Inside 0ut
You are ready to take ownership of your inner world and lead from within. You commit to transform at the deepest level to shift your entire reality.

Say YES to Your Greatest Life
Fear & Shame make you lean away from life.
You are coming into this space to lean into life with Power & Love, fully embracing & honoring Your Greatness.

Along with these core intentions, there are a few more expectations laid out below👇

Maturing into adulthood is something we are actively working on in this space, and yes, we expect you to be humble about the fact that no one is a fully mature adult at all times, and that you see yourself as someone who has room for growth and can receive constructive feedback in a healthy way).

At the same time, we also expect you to behave “like an adult”, taking ownership and responsibility for yourself, your actions, your communication and participation in the community, and your own beliefs, perceptions, and projections. We don’t expect you to be perfect, as long as you have perfect humility 🙃

This is the least commitment option, from both sides. It is created for you to dip your fingers into our world and get a taste.

You get a private space to discuss and ask questions about public blog posts and videos published by Ti0.

You can expect thoughtful and compassionate responses from the community members, and sometimes Ti0 may offer his own insights directly to you.

There is also a general space for open discussions about relevant topics, as well as to share your wisdom and insights with the community and to receive the same from others.

These are sermons of the highest order delivered by the high priest Ti0 and you are expected to bow in reverence to his greatness 🤪

On a less serious note 😁 you can expect fun at all times, and more fun at each level as there is more intimacy and connection with the community.

These live trainings include teachings for spiritual mastery and radiance, as well as space for you to ask questions in the chat and receive personalized answers from Ti0. Sometimes you may also be called on to be coached directly by Ti0.

You will also have access to the recordings of these calls in case you wish to review or watch a call that you missed.

On another note, everyone is accountable, including myself, Ti0. If you spot me in a shadow of arrogance or any other inappropriate behavior, I will be extremely grateful for you to bring it to my attention. I always welcome feedback and I am grateful for every opportunity to grow.

That said, there can be a lot of projections, something we will actively work on during the trainings as they too are opportunities for everyone to grow.

Even. More. Fun… Really.

I take this part of my job seriously. Teaching people to have fun and not take themselves and all this work too seriously is a big part of these calls.

At the same time, you can expect profound shifts as you receive direct personal coaching in both the group and 1+1 calls with Ti0.

On these calls you are expected to show up fully, also with your video on.

You are expected to clear space on your calendar at least 15 minutes prior to the call in preparation and 30 minutes or more after the call to integrate and land after the call.

This is for you to receive the full benefits of the transmissions and transformations that take place during the call, and for us to receive the benefits of your full presence, love, and attention.

There is also an understanding that at times life can get busy and we expect you to make your best effort at meeting these expectations. If you are frequently distracted, you will be expected to work out a solution.

On the group calls, there is also space for community members to share their insights with each other directly on the call.

You can think of this as a rich mix between a mastermind and group coaching program.

Yes. And this is very important to understand.

The group is a deeply intimate and private space with very close proximity to Ti0, and I have a high standard for the people I surround myself with, including clients and students.

You are welcome to participate with a free trial for 2 weeks to feel into the space and test your resonance.

As part of the trial you can first participate in one of the biweekly group coaching sessions, and based on your experience, you may be invited for a free private session.

If either you or Ti0 do not feel a full match, you are welcome to continue in the Plus level until you reach a resonance for the Premium level.

At the same time, I am well known for making exceptions based on my powerful intuition and instincts, this is why I welcome you to the trial when you feel ready for it. Just don’t feel entitled to an exception.


These spaces are frequency bounded. There are no explicit “rules” for someone to be in or out, although there are certain frequencies that do not match and are not welcome in this level.

Generally speaking, the Premium level is for anyone who is working on deepening their self-leadership and having more fun in life.

If you are too serious, too deep in victimhood, or generally not in a lighter state, you can benefit a lot more from the Plus level initially and eventually become a match for the Premium level.

The Plus level is where I teach people to work on their self-leadership as well as having fun and enjoying life, especially when you have struggled with either in the past.

If this section offends you or triggers you, that may already be a sign that you are better suited for the Plus level.

If on the other hand, you feel you may not be good enough and you doubt yourself, you are a much better match for Premium and have the humility required to grow, and I encourage you to give it a try and eventually invest in becoming more powerfully self-led to fulfill your potential.

Most importantly, I trust you realize that this is not a personal judgment about you, at least not from my side.

If you feel that way, you may be judging yourself, and I highly encourage you to join the Plus level and work on this aspect. And I will be very happy to help you out there and to provide you the support to grow into a higher version of yourself that is more powerful and loving towards yourself.

I have deep love for anyone who comes into my world, and I also have deep love for myself, which is why I have enabled these levels for people to work with me, wherever they may be on their journey.

There are no explicit expectations around accountability in the Basic and Plus level. The Premium level provides a very different type of accountability.

Rather than old-school disciplinary excel-sheet style accountability, we provide accountability through inspiration

This means that we keep ourselves accountable by living up to our potential and get inspired to live up by seeing others in the group doing the same.

If you are not self-motivated and self-inspired to some degree, you may not feel resonance at this level and may be asked to shift to the Plus level until your inspiration awakens.

As mentioned before, falling and dipping below the baseline is normal and to be expected, we are here to help each person rise up again — that is the path.

You are also expected to use your power to bring awareness in case someone is bringing down the energy of the space.

This space is process-oriented, whatever is happening in here is for each of us to rise up.

That means you may be presented with opportunities to use your power in ways that have been uncomfortable for you in the past — take those opportunities and rise higher, bringing the whole space to the next level.

Ready To Dive In?

Join The Community

The I0 Experience is a free online community to connect self-motivated individuals who intend to become their highest self and live as an expression of their full potential in a space charged with higher consciousness frequencies and vibes to enjoy while you create a rich impactful life.

Join us for free with any of the plans below. Even if you choose a paid plan, you start with a free 2 week trial.

Choose Your Level

Early registration discounts and bonuses available till Opening Day:
10x01 (1st October)

Anyone who signs up before 10×01 will get free access to the I0 Way Trainings and the Empowering Yourself & Others Course through the I0 Starter plan. You can choose to upgrade your plan once you are signed up for free.

I0 Starter

Glow Steady
Free Forever
  • Premium courses for signup before 10x01
  • Free Masterclasses & Workshops
  • Regular Free Trainings
  • Community Discussions
  • Access to 30 Day Celebration Challenge

I0 Plus

Shine Brighter
$ 80 Per Month
  • 2 Week Free Trial
  • Everything in I0 Starter
  • Biweekly Live Trainings
  • Recorded Courses Updated Regularly
  • Cancel Any Time

I0 Premium

Radiate Fully
$ 320 Per Month
  • 2 Week Free Trial
  • Everything in I0 Plus
  • 1 Private Session with Ti0 after first month
  • Personalized Coaching on Premium-only Biweekly Group Calls
  • Cancel Any Time

If you have any questions, send a message.